I had planned to work on our neighbor's rock garden last week already, but some other job I had promised to do for Jason's grandmother and the weather getting ridiculously cold, has set me back a couple of day. From + 30 degrees C (I still count the European way in temperature as well as measurements... cannot get used to all those feet) 10 days ago, the weather changed dramatically to minus 6 C last night. All our lovely plants, we had justed planted, had to be covered every nights for 6 nights in a row with woolen blankets. All but one, the Wisteria, did survive.
It's a strange sight to see all the trees, which had a lot of leaves already, loosing their leaves again as if we are in autumn.
Well this is the result of our polution and global warming, I guess.
Anyway.. I picked up my rockgarden project again last saturday..
The weather being cold enough to do heavy labour and not getting too hot schlepping my rocks from here to there. It goes a lot slower than I expected though.. The rock pile is large enough.. but I have to dig and look for the right rock.
This is the result of 4 days work.. I expected to have advance a lot more.. but building a rockwalls from river rocks is more complicated that I had anticipated. First I have to select the rocks of a certain shape, then it has to fit with the side of the next one... It all a lot of labor and looking for the right rock. This is only the beginning.. the next row on top of